
Cyprianus, den over ald Verden viit bermte Sorte Konstner

paa nye igiennemseet og improbet af Høylærde og Konsterfarne Doctoribus Trykt udi Stavanger i Norge Anno 1699

Svartebøker manuscript from the library of Jens Christian Glad, Norway ca. 1750

NB Ms.4°  832

Cyprianus is a name given in Scandinavian folk magic to the “black book” (“Svarteboken”): a grimoire or manuscript collection of spells; and by extension to the magical tradition that these spells form a part of. Manuscripts called or referring to Cyprianus had a dark reputation; in some versions, one obtained the text by renouncing one’s baptism and devoting oneself to Satan. The common people’s opinion of the book was that it was a standard grimoire concerned with the summoning of demons and spirits. Ministers were often thought to have obtained it through their studies at university; it is not coincidence that ministers’ wives often functioned as folk healers in rural communities. Like many such texts, it is bound to its owner and hard to get rid of; it will not burn nor be destroyed by water, and attempting to discard it will only result in its return. These compilations nevertheless were widely circulated among the cunning folk of Scandinavia, who in a rural land with few physicians were the folk healers sought out by ordinary people beset by injury or illness.

The actual stories told of Cyprianus in Scandinavia often made no reference to St. Cyprian. Some made Cyprianus into a typical Faust figure; some said that Cyprianus was a wicked Norwegian or Dane who learned magic through his dealings with the Devil; one version makes Cyprianus so evil that the Devil threw him out of Hell; Cyprianus wrote the text to have his revenge. A different and strongly contradictory version explains that Cyprianus was a student who discovered he was attending a diabolical “black school”, and wrote the text to explain how to undo all the witchcraft he learned there.

Most black books that exist today are small, crudely written notebook-like manuscripts. Cyprianus, den over ald Verden viit bermte Sorte Konstner is nothing of the such. It is finely calligraphed and bound in leather with marbled end papers. If you are familiar with Solomonic grimoires, much of its content will not be new to you. Below is a first line table of contents:

PagesTitle / First Line
001Cyprianus den over ald Verden viit berømme Sorte Konstner paa nye igiennemseet og improbet af Høylærde og Konsterfarne Doctoribus Trykt udi Stavanger i Norge Anno 1699
002Replacement against Forgiveness and Witchcraft, Poisoning, Troubles and Cursing; so and occupation, to be redeemed here on earth by virtue of faith in Jesus Christ, so also in heaven, which is to be read 3 Sunday, in the morning, before the sun rises
003Cypriani Second Replacement
004The 7 Planets their Days and their Hours
005The 12 Sky Signs are
006The Description of the 7 Planets and Each Planet’s Day,
007The key to this
008About the hours of the day, and the planet of every hour of the day and night of the week
009A Call to Make
010Would you like to have 3 free certain shots every day
011A gay man to prepare and make, that with it one should hit and shoot all game that has feathers
012Shown to Shoot
013Art of shooting through an iron plate with a lead bullet
014to shoot a Pistol or Gay off without Smald
015To Shoot Toe Holes With A Bullet
016To Hide One’s Gay
018Or and
019Advice on this
021or and
023How one should take care that another should not hide his Gay
024When Someone’s Gay is Hidden
025If anyone’s tough and you can not shoot him whole
026That your Gay should always shoot shown, and that you should get what you shoot for
027To make got Gunpowder
028The white powder to Giøre, which neither rattles nor bangs, however, drives it strongly, and is long gone
029To make another kind of gunpowder that does not give off garbage
030That gay gunpowder should not be ignited, even if you throw it on glowing coals
031That Dead Gunpowder
032At Probere Krud
034An art that gunpowder should not give off smoke or rattles and rumblings
036To make a fire that clings and clings to where it comes from
037Alexandri Magni Fire, which ignites itself in Rain Veyr, where by hand has burned the Land of Aragoniam
038Liuss to Giøre, which neither by Wind nor Water lets itself be Extinguished
039That a Liuss should Burn in Water
040with a Powder to Ignite Fire without Fire
041At a Table to Experience Natural Wisdom, or and Over Tables: Which Persons Have or Do Not Have, Secret Enmity for Us
042How can you nail a horse for as long as you want, even if you are not so fond of touching it, or are there?
043How to naturally take the strength from a horse and implant it in a human
044Do you hate anyone and want to hurt him?
045Advice against this
046An art, how to go to bed every night as long as you want to fuck
047To make a Lius that neither Wind nor Rain can Extinguish
048To and from Saargiort
049To make a shell piece by one’s horses, cows or other cattle, so that they should not be able to eat anything
050Konst at Giøre, at Fæet ey skal gaae af Stædet
051Art of Casting Leede between Toe Folk
052That Horses must well thrive on little fodder
053To get nourishment in a host’s house
054If you want to go to court with someone
055A Glass to ski across
056To remember what one reads
057That one can not get over Marke Skiæl who has committed murder
058Art of the Devil ey Kand Take Money from you
059That one Money should attract the other
060That the Money should not be Reduced
061Copper, or Red money with little Umage to make white
062Or and
063To keep gays and men clean so that they will not rust
064To gain favor with his lordship, so also wine they udi game
065Another piece
066Another Art for the same
067Art of Hiding Hug Worms, Snakes and Snakes
068That a Snake or Snake should die in a Circle
069To Hide a Hug Worms
070Or and: Say to him when you see him
071For dead Edder and Poison and Worm in the Finger and Hand
072That slashes, blows, or boils ey should bulge when this is read over there before they sleep with it
073Council for Abscesses and Wounds
074Enough for all kinds of wounds
075A certain secret art, by healing a horse that is saddle-broken, which one would otherwise have to ski in the back
076Blood to silence, both on humans, cattle and horses
077That one Crow should catch the other
078when a horse becomes ill and one does not know what harms him
079Cure Cough from Horses
080Raad for siugt Fæe
081A drink for sick cattle
082For Lunge-Soot
083Item for Lunge-Soot
084Art of shielding yourself from cuts, shots and stabs
085another art of making oneself hairy
086to Know which there are Troll-Witches among other People in the Church
087Yet another Art for the same
088That Troll Witches should not get you out of the church as long as you want them in there
089That a Troll Qvinde can not forgive you
090When a Troll Hex has forfeited a Man or Woman, Boy, Charles, or Piige, and those of you became very siuge, crooked and crooked, lame, crooked and Broken.
091Art that you can see which are Troll-Witches
092To Make Your Enemy have an Accident
093Would you Hielpe Him or her again at ease
094Antipathy or U-agreement to put between 2nd Persons
095Art that one should get Leede for brandy
096Art that a Piige’s secret natural waterways gandske must be Constipated and Shrunk
097Would you Cure her and thereby Provide you good Money
098Getting People to Fight
099To dig for a treasure that lies hidden in the earth
100To Prepare a Lius, with which one can experience in Huuse, where a treasure stands down the grave
101To Extinguish Fire
102Another for the same
103An Art of removing Rats and Mice
105That U-clothes ey shall Eat your Semen in the Barn
106To Giøre sig u-siunlig
107Another for the same
108Another to make oneself invisible
109Swallow-Steene to get
110Scrub-Toad-Stone to obtain
111Snoge Steen to get
112Would you be Wise and Wise to Viide everything
113To put people to sleep
115For oaths which are blown upon men
116A Noble and Precious Secretum or Medical Judgment against All Diseases
117When a human gets the bad Siuge for the first time
118item for the same Siuge
119Advice for the Bad Siuge
120Advice for children or people who have nausea or vomiting
121Council for Courage
122or and
123Advice for Bad Nails
124Council for Blood Shots
125Council of Liig Torne
126For Toothpaste
127Advice that children should not sag
128Would you like to get Qvæg-Sølv in a Horse’s Eagle
129For Guul Soet
130For Blood Sweet
131Vaarter to displace
134If the cows are bewitched, and you can not get butter from the milk
136To Fix Thieves Who Will Rob The Fruit Of Your Trees In The Garden
137Against your Opponents and Evil Men
138Advice for a Wife Who Can Be Redeemed in Child’s Need
139For weakness of the lung
140For Worms in the Teeth
141or and
143For Toothpaste
144Another: which is a Cura Magica per Elementum Terræ
145Toothache to Disperse by Transplantation
146That a fresh and green tree should wither and go out
147Den udbrydende (auswerffende) Orm paa Heste at Curere
148For Cold Sick
149For all kinds of Cold Sickness and Furious Fever, a truthful and wise counsel
150For Kaalden a certain Art
151for Cold Siuge
153Another Art of Writing for the Cold
154or and
155Winning in all kinds of Games
157About Happiness in Games
159Art of Winning with Dice
161Or and
162Art of Winning in the Card Game
163Art of Winning in the Card and all other Games
165Winning with Cards and Dice
166Want to Win in Games
167Art that you can get everything you want in this world
168Do you want a wallet that will never run out of money?
169That a girl should feel like you
170item for the same
172item that a girl should feel like you
174that a girl should come to you whenever you want
177that a girl or a woman should believe and love you
178another way
180probably another way
181Whether a Piige or Qvindes Person, whom one Loves, can be used by others
182If you want to know if a woman is Faith
183Do you want someone to have you dear
185To try whether a Piige is Tired or not?
186or and
187Would you like to know who to have
188Art that a Piig should Love you
189That a Piige should Run after you
190or and
191or and
192or and
193that a girl should believe in you
194that a Piige should love you
195that one ey should make Children
196or and
197That a girl or woman who lets herself be used should not have children as long as she wants
198A beautiful Art for Qvindfolk who are with Children and are not 12 to 16 Weeks away with it
199To get one to Dance, in addition to her Villie
200or and
201Art that a Karl should not leave a Girl
202Would you like to sleep with a girl so that she does not have children?
203That All Men Should Love You
205or and
207than this
208When one is Forgiort, that one should love one against one’s will
210Art that a girl should immediately let you have her will with her
213To Get a Human to Sleep
214Would you like to make a Piige or Qvindes Per son eager for the Lust and Leeg of Nature
215An Approved Means, thereby arousing one to Veneris’ lust
216Ad confortandum Venerem
217another Confortativum, to Strengthen the Secret Lem
219Art of making oneself unseen
220Art to Reveal Thieves, and get them and in misfortune and misfortune
221Art to turn a blind eye to the one who has stolen from you or others
222When there is stealing from you or someone else
223To Get a Thief to Reveal Himself
224or and
225If someone steals something from you, and you want to know who has stolen it
226A Thief at Binde
227The thief to solve again
228To show again what a thief has stolen from you
229That a Thief should bring back what he has stolen
230Art against your most ardent enemy, who has made you many scoundrels, and has wanted to lead you into misfortune, since you are innocent, to avenge yourself on him; do as follows
231Art to summon the Devil
233Would you like a Vexel Daler and never run out of money
234another art to summon the devil to
235Would you like a Spiritus who can provide you with what you demand
236a secret, when a man wanders wildly at night, so that he can neither comprehend night nor day
237a Thief to Bind in German
238The thief to solve again
239This writing has had an end

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