Clavicula Salomonis


Graeco-Egyptian magic manuscript including “Vasileia Solomomtos,” a Greek version of the Clavicula Salomonis, 16th Century…

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Summa sacrae magicae

Summa Sacre Magice

by Berengario Ganell, 1346 4° Ms. astron. 3 Summa Sacre Magice was compiled and redacted…

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Shams al-Ma’arif

by Ahmad al-Buni, Arabic manuscripts, 15th Century Updated 06/04/2024 Shams al-Ma’arif  (‘the Book of the…

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Vinjeboka the oldest Svartebok


The oldest Svartebok manuscript, Norway 1480-1520 NB Ms.8° 3725 Vinjeboka is the oldest preserved handbook of…

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