Clavicula Salomonis expurgata

oder des Königs Salomonis Schlüssel wunderbahrlicher Geheimnüsse

by Pseudo-Solomon, 1750 & 1752 German Key of Solomon Manuscripts

Leipzig Cod.mag.1 & Cod.mag.27

These two German manuscripts of the Key of Solomon are of the Expurgated Text-Group. At least four 18th-century manuscripts are known under this title, Clavicula Salomonis expurgata oder Schlüssel des Königs Salomons wunderbahrlicher Geheimnisse und vieler zukünfftigen Dinge (Clavicula Solomonis Abbreviated, or the Key of King Solomon’s Wonderous Secrets and Many Things of the Future). The brevity of the content it is likely to be (as its title says) a heavily expurgated form of the Key of Solomon. The material is primarily Planetary magic, Offices of the spirits, Pentacles, and Talismanic magic. In addition to German, they contains Hebrew and Latin.

Both are housed at Leipzig’s Universitäts Bibliothek in Germany, a very rich and interesting collection of mostly 18th century grimoire manuscripts with texts dating in some cases much earlier. It’s 140 manuscripts probably makes it the most important collections of scholarly magical manuscripts of continental Europe.

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