Latin 3666 (1375-1425) & Sloane Ms 3847 (15th – 17th C)
This grimoire was well known by the end of the fifteenth century. According to Joshua Trachtenberg, it was probably compiled in the thirteenth century (Jewish Magic and Superstition, p. 315.) Trithemius mentions it as one of his sources for his Steganographia. It was also apparently used by Agrippa in his book On Occult Philosophy on which see the critical edition by V. Perrone Compagni. List of extent manuscripts courtesy of Joseph Peterson:
- MS Vatikan, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Reginense Lat. 1300 (Queen Christina’s manuscript, 2nd half of 14th ce)
- MS Halle a. S., Universitats- und Landesbibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt, cod. 14 B 36, Fol. 1-130v; Fol. 171r-177v: Liber Razielis. Prologue and table of contents. (14th ce)
- Lübeck, Bibliothek der Hansestadt, Ms. math. 9, fols. 63r-170v. Abridged. (16 ce)
- Paris, BnF Latin 3666 (1375-1425)
- Firenze, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana (BML) Plut. 44.33 Rasiel, Liber Secretorum initio mutilus . (1550)
- München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, CLM 51. Liber Sameyn (fols. 111-120, = Book 6 of Alphonsine), Liber virtutis i.e. Semiphoras/Semaforas (fol. 120v-123v = Book 7) (1487)
- London British Library ms. Sloane 3847 (breaks off at chapter 3.)
- London British Library ms. Sloane 3853, fols. 46-53 (also imperfect.)
- Leipzig Cod. Mag. 40 (ca 1750)
- UPenn 1685: A compendium of the book called sepher Raziel. (ca 1750-1799)
- UPenn Ms. Codex 1674 (Italian)
Joseph Peterson’s translation of Sloane 3846. Read Now
Latin 3666 (National Library of France), 1375-1425
- Owner: DULIN, king’s lawyer (17th century)
- Binding: 18th century bindings. with royal arms and figures
Manuscript Abstract: Southern script. – Ornate initials. Magic characters in glasses drawn in ff. 26v and 28. – 2 notebooks of 12 ff. (1-24) and 4 notebooks of 10 ff. (25-64). Claims. Contemporary foliotation in Arabic numerals. The ff. of guard Iv and IIv, the ff. 63v-64 are white. – Notes and marginal corrections XV th , XVI th and XVII th century. At f. 64v, notes in the vulgar language and in Latin and name of the seven planets. – At f. Guard I, note the XVII th century. : “This present book is for Mr. Dulin advocat of the king in his Court of the Aydes, which he gave me with another that I have returned to him and of which he has my promise”, signed: “Henrion”. Belonged to Antoine Faure; cf. Omont, Old inventories , IV, 405. Paper; watermarks: scissors; cf. Lighter, The Watermarks , No. 3668; tower, to be compared to Briquet, n ° 15911. II-64 ff., preceded and followed by 3 ff. paper guard. 215 × 140 mm. (justification 150/155 × 95 mm.). Binding XVIII e s. red morocco with royal arms and number. Gold title on the back: “LIBER CABAL. CIFRA ZAVIEL ”.Manuscript in Latin
Latin translation of a treatise on cabalistic magic sometimes attributed to Eléazar de Worms; cf. Mr. Steinschneider, Catalogus librorum hebraeorum in Bibliotheca Bodleiana , 639, 641, 918; E. Renan, in Hist. litt ., XXVII, 1877, 468-469.
F. 1-6 Prologue: “Iste liber, qui vocatur Cyfra Rasiel, qui flees datus Ade ex parte domini nostri Jesu Christi [ corr. pro : domini Dei magni] … – … fecit Caym suus frater ”(1-4); – “Sequitur oratio facta per Adam. Ista est oratio quam fecit Adam prothoplaustus … – … Dominates potens and graciose. Amen ”(4-5); – “Tercio die postquam fecit istam orationem … venit ad eum Rachiel angelus … – … que fieri debent cum prudencia” (5-6);
Content: F. 6-44v L. I: “Doctrina. Quicumque aliquod experimentum ex isto libro exercere et probare voluerit … – … scire et intelligere in omnibus. Explicit liber primus angeli Razielis ”;
F. 44v-63 L. II: “Incipit secundus liber angeli Razielis de angelis duodecim mensium anni. Capitulum primum. [H] ic is liber secundus angeli Razielis who flees datus in manibus Ade … – … And isti sunt in parte Occidentali. Hic completur liber qui vocatus is Cyfra Rasiel datus Ade per angelum, liber angelorum ignis and flame quem examinaverunt and perscrutati sunt prophet and sapientes cum puritate and sanctitate and per ipsum compleverunt omnes suas voluntates. Benedictum sit nomen creatoris. Amen ”.
Source: / Name of the partner of the BnF
Sloane Ms 3847: (British Library) 15th – 17th C
F. 2-66: Salomon, King of Israel, Clavicle of Salomon
F. 83: Gower, John, Of stones and herbs pertaining to Confessio Amantis
F. 84-100: Hermes Trismegistus, Liber Magicus
F. 101-112: Sahl Ibn Bashir, Liber imaginum
F. 161-188: Salomon, King of Israel, Sepher Raziel: a magical treatise