The Key of Knowledge (Clavicula Salomonis)

English manuscript of the Key of Solomon, 17th C

Sloane Ms. 3645

This manuscript represents one of the earliest manuscripts of the Key of Solomon (Clavicula Salomonis), dated April 8, 1572. The manuscript is in English and occasionally Latin, with conjurations in Latin. As Joseph Peterson has pointed out, the most notable characteristics are the strong Christian elements not found in the Colorno class of manuscripts. It contains parallels with two other English Clavicula Salomonis manuscripts, Add. 36674 (16th C) and Sloane 3645, but not directly related. Rather, it appears to be an independent translation, probably from the Latin.

Catalog Entry as follows:

ff. 1-21 Salomon, King of Israel: Key of Knowledge: 17th cent.

ff. 22-38 Sir Edward Kelley, Alchemist: Discourse on the Philosopher’s Stone: 17th cent.

ff. 39 George Ripley, Canon of Bridlington: Treatises on alchemy, in prose and verse: 16th-17th centt.

ff. 43-49 Ramón Lull, of Majorca: De quinta essentia: 17th cent.: Engl.

ff. 51-102 b Michael Maierus, Count of the Imperial Consistory; MD: Atalanta fugiens: an alchemical treatise: 17th cent.: Engl. transl.

ff. 102-174 Recipes: Miscellaneous receipts: 17th cent.

ff. 105-169 b Medicine. Charms and Receipts: Orationes et receptæ medicæ.: 10th-18th centt.: Lat., Fr., Dutch, Engl., Germ., Ital., and Span.

ff. 119-127 b Chemistry: Chemical receipts, processes and experiments: 15th-17th centt.: Engl., Germ., Fr., Ital., and Lat.

f. 169 Robert Fludd, MD, of London: Use of the weapon-salve: 17th cent.

ff. 176 b-186 b James I of England: Relation of proceedings against the English at Amboyna by the Dutch,: 1621.

ff. 177-185 Amboyna, Island in the Indian Ocean: Relation of proceedings at, by the Dutch against the English: 17th cent.

ff. 177-186 b Netherlands, United Provinces: Relation of their proceedings against the English at Amboyna: 1623.

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